The Be Books series first launched in 2015 with its first entry, Be Who You Were Meant To Be. Since then, it has 7 other books that followed, all teaching lifelong lessons of acceptance, kindness, respect, positivity, and gratitude.
As an educator herself, Lauren Grabois Fischer noticed that parents and teachers were reading the books and not following up the story time with powerful conversations to continue to instill the values into their children and students. It was then that she realized she needed to add her own additional pages to help guide those important conversations.
“I realized that I should provide every parent and educator with the exact words to use to implement these ideas, and encourage the positivity and openness that comes across in each book,” said Grabois Fischer “I felt that without these extra words and pages, a lot of the depth and meaning behind each book was not being absorbed enough by the adults reading them and thus to their children as well. So in order to make learning these lessons as easy as possible, I added these bonus pages.”
Now, each of every eight entries in The Be Books series features a number of comprehensive pages at its conclusion, including discussion topics, activity pages and thought provoking questions to help solidify these uplifting principles into readers’ minds, both young and old.
Each volume remains consistent in motivating children (and their parents) to integrate the lessons they are learning in each book into their daily lives.
Read the full article on Good Men Project by clicking here.